Can’t keep up with all the latest changes to Instagram? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Here’s a quick summary of what’s coming to Instagram, and more information on what’s just arrived.
Want to catch up on last month’s updates before you dive into June? Check them out below.
Ever wanted to look under the hood of your favourite social media sites? Instagram’s explained a bit more about how its various algorithms work and why you’re more likely to see some posts instead of others. The blog offers a fascinating insight into the site, and while it doesn’t necessarily give marketers any explicit tips, it does explain more about the kind of content that works well. Read more on the Instagram blog.
In good news about the algorithm, Instagram’s recently tweaked its algorithm that deals with sharing feed posts to stories, so you’re less likely to be penalised for taking any actions like that. However, they’ve also confirmed that any watermarked videos (eg sharing videos directly from TikTok) will see a reduction in reach.
Last month, we reported that Instagram was testing a feature to show and hide like counts across both your own account and other user accounts, and even specific posts. This feature’s now been confirmed, and is also rolling over to Facebook.
Influencers will be happy about this one – Instagram’s launching a new affiliate programme for creators on the app. If you’re eligible, you’ll be able to add products to your posts. If someone then clicks through and purchases said product, you’ll get a commission – much easier than establishing a relationship with a brand in the first place.
A few helpful updates are now in place for influencers and accounts that post Branded Content. You’re now able to tag two different brands in your Branded Content posts, which is great if you’re working with multiple partners on a project, and you can post content before it’s been approved by a brand – it just means their name won’t appear until they approve it. Plus, you’ll be able to get more insights into how your content is performing with additional analytics tools.
Want to know what’s going on with the other social networks? We’ve got handy guides for them as well:
The latest Facebook changes
The latest Twitter changes
The latest LinkedIn changes
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